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Bureau Parisien
Bureau Parisien! Did you know that “bureau” is the French word for Office? Now you know. The fabulous @georgettegilmore submitted her office space for a little design love, and I’ve done a quick sketch and product selection for her, leaning into a Parisian Pied a Terre inspiration from her typewriter prints. She loved her art, the natural light and the paint color, but she LOATHED the uneven floor (old sunroom I’m guessing?), the windows, the lack of doors, the carpeting and her old desk. I can’t do much to help her with the structural issues, unless she dives into an expensive overhaul, but I can solve some of the pain points. I refreshed the whole space, adding texture, color, life, and balance by rearranging things and creating a better flow as well as a few affordable tricks to uplevel the entire space. Take a look! Check in stories and I’ll have a page up for product links over the next few days at www.noelgatts.com, under SHOP. Thanks so much for your submission on @threads , Georgette! #designgiveaway #designsketch #sketching #roomsketch #timelapsesketch #roomdesign #parisiandesign #bureauparisien #hgtvdesigner